Opening an Account in a Cyprus Bank
How to open a bank account in Cyprus? Where to begin?
To open an account in a Cyprus bank, individuals must submit the following documents:
- Completed application form
- Copy of the passport
- Confirmation of the address (utility bill or a copy of the stamp from the national passport)
- Income tax form
- A reference letter from any bank in which you have an account
- Brief resume or free-style autobiography.
- Source of income (for example, it may be: salary, rental income, sale of movable/immovable assets, inheritance, etc.)
- Source of funds received. This does not necessarily have to intersect with the previous item.
Legal entities must provide the following documents to open an account in a bank in Cyprus:
- Completed application form;
- Statutory and registration documents of the company (originals);
- Civil and foreign passports of directors and shareholders of the company with a residence permit (originals);
- A letter from any bank confirming the existence of a bank account (original);
The procedure for registering a company in Cyprus ends here. The owner receives a package of corporate documents and can use the company for its intended purpose.